About Us

Cartolina is a unique gift shop and wholesale greeting card company. Based in British Columbia, we sell vintage-inspired cards and gifts to people and stores all over the world. We have a beautiful retail store at our HQ on historic Baker Street in Nelson, BC and an ever-improving website where you can browse items to be shipped directly to you. Most items you see on social media but not on our website can also be shipped. Just message us at sales@cartolina.com and we'll give you the details! 

The Shop

Built in 1894, the west portion of the Tremont Hotel went through many lives until we acquired the building in 2014. Situated among a collection of beautifully restored heritage buildings on Nelson's Baker Street, the building is a fine example of 1890s architecture - brick construction, stacked cornices, fine masonry detail, pressed tin ceilings and original wood floors. 
